Annual Reports
2020 UPEI Annual Report
2019 UPEI Annual Report
2018 UPEI Annual Report
2017 UPEI Annual Report
2016 UPEI Annual Report
2015 UPEI Annual Report
Country reports 2015
2014 UPEI Annual Report
2013 UPEI Annual Report
2012 UPEI Annual Reports
2011 UPEI Annual Report
2010 UPEI Annual Report
2009 UPEI Annual Report
2008 UPEI Annual Report
2007 UPEI Annual Report
2006 UPEI Annual Report
Joint Heating Commission calls for policy support to help switch to renewable heating fuels (brochure)
Policy Paper " UPEI Expectations from and Offers to the new EU Parliamentary Term "2024-2029"
Joint Study "Implications of the energy transition for European storage, fuel supply & distribution infrastructure"
Guidance document on retail stations equipment compatibility
UPEI Position Paper summary - Solving the fuels policy conundrum
UPEI Position Paper - Solving the fuels policy conundrum
Fuel cards factsheet
Bunkering Factsheet
UPEI Position Paper - Avoiding regulatory inconsistencies in future policy frameworks
Heating with Liquid Fuels
Fuel Price Comparison Factsheet
UPEI 2050 vision Brochure
UPEI Business Partnership Brochure
2018 UPEI Biofuel Matrix
About us
Members' Business Areas
2016 UPEI Biofuels Matrix
Fuel Cards & the Payment Services Directive 2
Call for action: Urgent need to recognise third country exports of gaseous fuels under the Union Database
View all statements
Joint Statement: Call for early technology-neutral review of the CO2 emission standards regulations and incentives to stimulate uptake of clean vehicles by fleet owners
Joint Statement: Reality Check for European Hydrogen Policy to Adjust the Course
29th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan
An early revision of CO2 emission standards regulations should be driven by technology openness
Joint Statement: Provisional agreement on stricter CO2 emission standards for heavyduty vehicles undermines success of Europe’s strategy for a green transition
COP28 Joint FETSA-UPEI Statement
Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) should be recognised as a strategic net zero technology in the EU Net Zero Industry Act
Stakeholders' launch of a Working Group on Monitoring Methodologies for CO2 neutral fuels
Joint UPEI-FETSA Statement: Net-Zero Industry Act Proposal
Joint UPEI-FETSA Statement CO2 Standards HDVs
Joint letter calling for the recognition of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) as strategic net zero technologies in the EU Net Zero Industry Act
Joint statement on draft GHG Delegated Act
Joint Statement on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
Joint industry statement: Inclusion of renewable fuels in CO₂ Regulation for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Joint Statement on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
Joint Statement on the importance of industrial CCU for reaching climate neutrality
Joint Letter to European Policymakers on CO2 Standards for Cars and Vans
Joint statement of the EU industry: Pragmatic regulatory framework necessary for hydrogen market
Joint UPEI-FETSA Statement: Revision of CO2 Emission Performance Standards for new cars and vans
Joint UPEI-FETSA Statement: Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III)
Joint UPEI-FETSA Statement: Revision of CO2 Emission Performance Standards for new cars and vans
Joint letter on a balanced approach to accounting renewable energy electricity for hydrogen production
Joint statement on the Fit for 55 package
UPEI Press Release: Fit for 55 package falls short of maximising synergies
Joint call for action on Fit for 55 package
UPEI Press Release: Joint UPEI-FETSA Study
Open letter on the future of the vehicle CO2 standard
Joint letter: Call to include a voluntary crediting system for sustainable renewable fuels into the vehicle CO2 regulations
Joint letter on Renewable Fuels Strategy & Contribution to Vehicle CO2
Joint Statement: The Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform, towards Transport Fuels’ Transformation
Joint Position: Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
UPEI Press Release: Supplying energy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility in Europe
Joint letter on the inclusion of sustainable renewable fuels in the EU mobility legislation
UPEI Feedback: Inception Impact Assessment – Amendment of the Regulation setting CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
Joint position on existing alternative fuels within the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
Decarbonising road transport requires making the most of low-carbon solutions that work in the vehicles Europeans continue to rely on. In a new joint position paper, a coalition of EU alternative fuels producers and suppliers offer a way to turn failure into success when it comes to reducing transport emissions.
UPEI Press Release: UPEI holds presiding Board elections
UPEI Feedback: Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) roadmap
UPEI Feedback: Renewable Energy Directive (RED) roadmap
UPEI Feedback: Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
System Integration and Hydrogen Strategies – positive steps towards carbon neutrality
Joint Position - Renovation Wave initiative
Joint industry letter: 5 Principles for a EU Hydrogen Strategy
EU Recovery Instrument – A step towards a sustainable economic recovery
Joint letter on Thresholds for transport losses of energy products during duty suspension procedures
UPEI Feedback: Evaluation of Renewable Energy Directive Annex IX feedstocks
UPEI Feedback: Smart Sector Integration Strategy
UPEI Feedback: FuelEU Maritime initiative
UPEI welcomes the opportunity to provide initial comments to the Roadmap, and to be part of the preparatory process for the FuelEU Maritime initiative.
European Climate Law – A clear signal to market operators
UPEI, Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers, welcomes the European Commission proposal for the European Climate Law, which sends a clear signal to market operators.
UPEI Feedback: European climate law – achieving climate neutrality by 2050
UPEI is fully committed to contributing to achieving carbon neutrality through the supply of carbon-neutral fuels by 2050, and has submitted its response to the consultation launched by the European Commission on the climate law.
Heating with liquid fuels - new brochure
The potential for liquid fuels to contribute to the EU´s energy and climate policy objectives in 2030, 2050 and beyond
Getting to the Green Deal: Don’t rule out alternative fuels with a track record of success
Vehicle manufacturers and fuel coalition call for consistency in defining alternative fuels that will drive the energy transition
EU Green Deal – A key opportunity to address climate change in a comprehensive manner
UPEI, Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers, adheres to the initiative and welcomes the communication emphasis on creating synergies across sectors and making a consistent use of all policy levers to deliver on Europe’s climate ambition.
Open letter on sector coupling and integration by power-to-X
On 2 December, the first working day of the new European Commission, UPEI has sent an open letter, co-signed by 19 partners, to Commissioners for Climate, Energy and Transport, as well as relevant officials and MEPS, regarding sector coupling and integration by power-to-X.
UPEI Summary Report: Conference "Low carbon mobility – what’s in the policy toolbox?"
On 7 November, the UPEI Conference "Low carbon mobility – what’s in the policy toolbox?" took place in Brussels. Panellists and participants discussed the policy instruments providing for the effective deployment of low carbon solutions in the road transport sector, while ensuring consumers’ acceptance.
UPEI Press Release: UPEI 2050 vision
Answering to the European Commission call for feedback on the long-term climate strategy, UPEI, representing Europe’s independent fuel suppliers, launches its 2050 vision: short- and long-term recommendations for a carbon neutral society.
UPEI Statement: Urban Vehicle Access Regulations
UPEI welcomes the study on Urban Vehicle Access Regulations Schemes (UVARs) published in September 2017, and would like to share further views ahead of the publication by the European Commission of a non-binding guidance document on UVARs.
UPEI Press Release: Conference "Future fuels in Europe - The Finnish perspective"
On April 4, the UPEI Conference "Future fuels in Europe - The Finnish perspective" took place in Helsinki. Panellists and participants exchanged views on the Finnish strategy to reach European and global climate objectives, based on a mix of solutions including electricity, biogas and renewable liquid fuels. What is the perfect mix of low carbon technologies allowing to reach emission reductions while ensuring reliable supply and affordable costs to consumers? This question resonates further as Finland is preparing to take over the EU Presidency in July.
UPEI Feedback: Evaluation of the Directive on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Roadmap
UPEI welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Roadmap for the evaluation of the Directive on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (DAFI).
UPEI Press Release: Deal on Post 2020 CO2 Targets for Heavy Duty Vehicles
UPEI praises the introduction of a clear mandate for the European Commission to assess the full life-cycle emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) at EU level in the deal sealed by the European institutions on 18 February.
UPEI Press Release: Nomination of Secretary General
UPEI, the Brussels based association representing Europe’s independent fuel suppliers is pleased to announce the appointment of Cécile Nourigat as Secretary General.
UPEI Press Release: Long - Term Emissions Reduction
UPEI Press Release: Post 2020 CO2 Targets for Heavy Duty Vehicles
On 14 November, the European Parliament adopted its negotiating mandate on the Commission’s proposal for CO2 standards for new heavy-duty vehicles. UPEI welcomes the initiative to introduce CO2 standards for the sector for the first time but fears that the position of the European Parliament may undermine broader efforts to cut transport emissions.
Joint Press Release: The shipping industry and the European Independent fuel suppliers welcome the European Parliament’s support to incentivize the uptake of low-carbon and carbon-free alternative fuels and to remove disparities in energy taxation
UPEI Press Release: UPEI appoints new President
Joint Press Release: Fuel labelling: Information to help consumers and operators choose right fuel now published
Brussels, 21 June 2018 - EU Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure requires EU member states and EEA states to improve the information given to consumers who are faced with a choice of fuels for their vehicle. To that end, a CEN standard (*) has drawn up common symbols, or ‘fuel identifiers’, that will be placed on new vehicles and fuel pumps. These identifiers must be in place by October this year, and will start to be increasingly visible in the run up to this date.
UPEI Statement: Post 2020 CO2 Targets for Cars and Vans
UPEI recognises the importance of all measures that can contribute to meeting the EUs commitments under the Paris Agreement, including the need for stringent targets to cut CO2 emissions of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. The setting of these targets should be coherent with other EU legislation promoting alternative fuels and should be based on an objective analysis of the economic and environmental sustainability of all technologies as well as their potential for future innovation.
Joint position on the applicability of synthetic fuels to heating in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)
The undersigned associations, ECFD, Eurofuel, FuelsEurope and UPEI, representing the supply chain of liquid fuel products for heating would like to raise EU policy-makers’ attention to specific elements in the future Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), which may impede the development of innovative liquid fuels which reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the heating sector.
UPEI Statement RED II
UPEI & ECFD Statement: Driving times and periods - Regulation No 561/2006
Guaranteeing reasonable driving times as well as regular breaks and rest periods for drivers are essential prerequisites to secure European roads from easily avoidable accidents linked to tiredness and reduced attention span.
UPEI Press Release: UPEI elects new Presiding Board
UPEI Press Release: Heating with Liquid Fuels
Heating with Liquid Fuels: Part of the solution for an affordable decarbonisation
Four associations representing the whole supply chain join forces to inform EU audiences about oil and liquid fuels for heating and their potential to reach EU’s energy and climate policy goals. -
UPEI Statement: Setting the framework for renewables fuel in transport and heating
Since the publication of the proposal to recast the Renewable Energy Directive in November 2016 UPEI has been following the adoption process supporting a strong framework for the uptake of renewables across sectors in Europe.
UPEI believes that the Commission’s proposal could be optimised to ensure that renewable fuels benefit from a strong, yet fair, legislative framework for the coming decade. -
UPEI Statement: Fuel Price Comparison (FPC)
UPEI, the voice of Europe’s independent fuel suppliers, believes that the interest of the consumer is primordial in drawing up a common methodology for a fuel price comparison system. The system must demonstrate added value. It should be introduced in such a way as to avoid confusion and unnecessary financial and administrative burden on the 100,000 plus retail stations across the EU that will be required to implement it.
UPEI & ECFD Statement: Recommendations for the Revision of Directive 2003/59/EC on the Qualification Requirements for Drivers of Road Vehicles
ECFD and UPEI welcome the European Commission’s proposal to review and update the EU CPC Directive. The proposed text reflects the key concerns of the professional tank drivers’ as highlighted throughout the evaluation process.
UPEI & ECFD Statement: Setting the framework for renewables fuel in transport and heating
UPEI and ECFD welcome the European Commission’s Clean Energy Package and in particular the proposal for the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive and the draft regulation on Governance of the Energy Union. UPEI and ECFD believe that these proposals should be strengthened to ensure that they are inclusive and balanced, built on realistic assumptions and keep the functioning of the internal market at their core.
UPEI Statement: Joint Letter with ACEA, ACEM and FuelsEurope on the introduction of fuel identifiers in the EU
In a
joint letter, UPEI together with ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers), ACEM (Motorcycle Industry in Europe) and FuelsEurope (European based refiners and fuel suppliers) call upon EU member states and the European Commission to help take the necessary actions to allow for the introduction of common fuel ‘identifiers’ in a consistent and harmonised way.
UPEI Statement: Lowering Emissions in Transport
UPEI welcomes the European Union’s efforts to bring down emissions in the transport sector in its low emission mobility strategy, and the concrete proposals of the recently published Winter Package.
UPEI stresses independent fuel suppliers’ solid track record in reducing GHG emissions through the supply of alternative fuels and calls on the European Union to create the framework whereby all fuels in Europe’s transport fuel mix can be recognised for their contribution to lowering emissions. This should be based on objective analysis of the sustainability (full lifecycle) of each powertrain. Implications with regard to security of supply, competitiveness and consumers should also be assessed in keeping with the EU’s overall objectives for the Energy Union. This is essential in order to preserve European assets and jobs whilst moving to a cleaner society.
UPEI Statement: Graphical Expression for Consumer Information on Fuel / Vehicle Compatibility
UPEI, the voice of Europe’s independent fuel suppliers, welcomes the new EN 16942 European Standard that introduces harmonised graphic symbols for liquid and gaseous fuels to be displayed on vehicles (and manuals) and at dispensers and refueling points. This measure is designed to provide consumers with information on the compatibility of their vehicles with the growing number of fuels on the market. “This is an excellent example of how, when policy makers and economic operators work together, we can bring practical and cost effective solutions” commented UPEI President, Thierry De Meulder.
UPEI Statement: Evaluation of Directive 2009/119/EC
Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers welcome the EU Consultation on the Evaluation of Directive 2009/119/EC imposing an obligation on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products, believing that stakeholders and citizens’ views and suggestions are crucial for future legislation.
UPEI Press Release: A European strategy for low-emission mobility
UPEI Press Release: MEPs' move to empower consumers welcomed by Europe's independent fuel suppliers
UPEI Position Paper: Renewable Energy Directive II - post 2020
UPEI, the voice of Europe’s independent fuel suppliers, calls for the RED II to provide a clear framework for the further promotion of renewable energy. It should adopt an inclusive approach, allowing all market players to contribute, including independent fuel suppliers, predominantly SMEs. This requires policies which facilitate solutions that are sustainable, technology neutral, empower the consumer, build on existing infrastructure and are not heavily dependent on subsidies.
UPEI Statement: Draft EP Report on EU Strategy on Heating and Cooling
UPEI welcomes the EU Strategy on Heating and Cooling and believes that this creates opportunities to stimulate further developments towards greater efficiency gains in the sector across Europe. However, it is important that a technology neutral approach is ensured in order for all modern heating technologies to play their part. UPEI believes that policies should be fair and based on performance, rather than favouring certain technologies and solutions.
UPEI Statement: Energy Union Governance – The need for a balanced and proportionate framework
Since the publication of the Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union in February 2015, UPEI has consistently supported the Commission’s work to roll out its Strategy. UPEI believes that having a well-designed Governance Framework is indeed of paramount importance, especially when it comes to setting a positive investment climate, and ultimately ensuring the success of the Energy Union as a whole.
UPEI Statement: The role of heating oil in a sustainable heating strategy for Europe
UPEI welcomes the Commission’s plans to propose new policy and legislative initiatives aimed at fostering energy efficiency in the heating sector in the efforts towards a lowcarbon economy. UPEI stresses in particular that being the closest to the consumer in the fuel supply sector, independent fuel suppliers are in a unique position to respond to today’s demand in the heating sector.
UPEI Statement: Clean and Sustainable Transport
UPEI welcomes the Commission’s plans to propose new policy and legislative initiatives aimed at rendering Europe’s transport more sustainable, clean and secure, as well as the efforts invested in the transition towards a low-carbon economy in Europe. Being the closest to the consumer in the fuel supply sector, UPEI members are in a unique position to respond to today’s transport sector challenges.
UPEI Statement: The Key Dimensions of the Energy Union
UPEI Statement: The Energy Union Strategy
The Union of European Petroleum Independents (UPEI) welcomes the Energy Union Strategy and its aim of delivering secure, affordable and sustainable energy to Europe’s consumers. UPEI calls for competitiveness to be at the heart of the approach to achieving this goal. We support actions designed to fully integrate the European energy market and to promote energy efficiency as a key dimension of future policies. On the transition to a low carbon economy, UPEI calls for an enhanced policy dialogue which recognizes the contribution of current and future energy sources, in order to guarantee a smooth and viable transition for Europe’s households and businesses.
Press Release: UPEI raises concern at the introduction of B8 diesel in France
UPEI wishes to raise its concern at the measures introduced by the French Government by Ministerial Order of 3 January 2015. By this Ministerial Order, the specification for diesel sold in France has been modified to increase the level of FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) to a maximum of 8% by volume. This is not in conformity with the existing EU standards and specifications for diesel fuel EN590 which set the maximum FAME content at 7% and are designed to ensure coherence throughout Europe, guaranteeing consumer protection.
Press Release: UPEI announces new Presiding Board
UPEI is pleased to present the composition of its new Presiding Board, which took up office on 1 January 2015. President: Thierry DE MEULDER Vice Presidents: Erik DE VRIES Ivan INDRAČEK Emmanuel RIU Teresa SAYERS.
Press Release: Energy imports in Europe are not a threat to security of supply
UPEI launched yesterday in Brussels the study “Does Dependency Equal Vulnerability? Energy Imports in Germany and Europe” at a debate organised by the Kangaroo Group in the European Parliament asking the question “Can Europe get along without importing energy”.
UPEI Statement: Directive on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
In light of the adoption by the Council of the European Union of the Directive on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure on 29 September, UPEI wishes to draw attention to the challenges that this legislation brings, and to confirm its intention to engage constructively with all parties to meet these challenges, whilst taking account of the cost implications and the evolution of the fuels market in Europe.
50 Years Independents in the European Oil Industry
Speech by Mr Helmut Weisser, former UPEI President.
Position Papers
Proposals for Amendments to the report on the security of energy supply in the EU
View all position papers
UPEI FETSA - Recommendations Security of Supply INI_v2
Questionnaire on the Automotive Dialogue Consultation
UPEI’s Position Paper on the Future of the Automotive Industry
UPEI-FETSA Joint Project: Position Paper on the upcoming proposal for an Omnibus Simplification Proposal
Net-Zero Industry Act - Delegated Act on primarly used components under the Net-Zero Industry Act
UPEI-FETSA Joint Project: Position paper on the Commission’s upcoming Clean Industrial Deal
UPEI concerns about possible restrictive measures against POME-derived biofuels
UPEI-FETSA: Policy Asks and Recommendations for the 10th Legislative Mandate 2025-2029
Sustainable Heating with Liquid Fuels: UPEI’s plea for a technology neutral EU climate and energy policy
Position Paper on the revision of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2)
Review of the Oil Stocks Directive
Public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040
Vega Internal Case: VAT Treatment of Fuel Card Tansactions - Submission to EU Member States
Joint Position Paper on Revision of European Commission Regulations (EU) 813/2013 and (EU) 811/2013 on respectively Ecodesign and Energy Label of central hydronic space and combination heaters
Position paper on the upcoming revision of the PSD2
UPEI - FETSA Joint Statement: Storage and Distribution Infrastructure as 'Enabling Activity' in the EU Taxonomy
UPEI answer to consultant’s questionnaire related to the review of the Oil Stocks Directive ((2009119EC)
Letter of concern about the European Parliament’s position on Article 26 of the proposal for a revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III)
Joint UPEI-FETSA Position Paper: Recast of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)
Position Paper on the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices COM(2022) 473 final
UPEI answer to the review of the revised payment services directive (PSD2)
Revision of CO2 Emission Performance Standards for new cars and vans
UPEI Position Paper on RED II Delegated Acts
UPEI Position: Amendments to AFIR Revision
UPEI Position: Energy Taxation Directive
UPEI Position: Key considerations on the FuelEU Maritime proposal
UPEI Position: Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive
UPEI Position: Proposal for a Regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
UPEI Position: Amendment of the Regulation setting CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
UPEI Position: Revision of the EU Emission Trading System
UPEI Position: Amendments to the Renewable Energy Directive
UPEI Position: On ECJ decisions concerning fuel cards in road transport business
UPEI Position: Solving the fuels policy conundrum
UPEI Position: Revision of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
UPEI Position: Revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive
UPEI Position: Review of the Energy Taxation Directive
UPEI Position: Directive on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
UPEI Position: Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System and the EU Effort Sharing Regulation
UPEI Position: Revision of the CO2 standards for light-duty vehicles
UPEI Position: Renewable Energy Directive (RED) review
UPEI Position Paper: Avoiding regulatory inconsistencies in future policy frameworks