Annual Reports
Position Papers
Questionnaire on the Automotive Dialogue Consultation
View all position papers
UPEI’s Position Paper on the Future of the Automotive Industry
UPEI-FETSA Joint Project: Position Paper on the upcoming proposal for an Omnibus Simplification Proposal
Net-Zero Industry Act - Delegated Act on primarly used components under the Net-Zero Industry Act
UPEI-FETSA Joint Project: Position paper on the Commission’s upcoming Clean Industrial Deal
UPEI concerns about possible restrictive measures against POME-derived biofuels
UPEI-FETSA: Policy Asks and Recommendations for the 10th Legislative Mandate 2025-2029
Sustainable Heating with Liquid Fuels: UPEI’s plea for a technology neutral EU climate and energy policy
Position Paper on the revision of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2)
Review of the Oil Stocks Directive
Public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040
Vega Internal Case: VAT Treatment of Fuel Card Tansactions - Submission to EU Member States
Joint Position Paper on Revision of European Commission Regulations (EU) 813/2013 and (EU) 811/2013 on respectively Ecodesign and Energy Label of central hydronic space and combination heaters
Position paper on the upcoming revision of the PSD2
UPEI - FETSA Joint Statement: Storage and Distribution Infrastructure as 'Enabling Activity' in the EU Taxonomy
UPEI answer to consultant’s questionnaire related to the review of the Oil Stocks Directive ((2009119EC)
Letter of concern about the European Parliament’s position on Article 26 of the proposal for a revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III)
Joint UPEI-FETSA Position Paper: Recast of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)
Position Paper on the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices COM(2022) 473 final
UPEI answer to the review of the revised payment services directive (PSD2)
Revision of CO2 Emission Performance Standards for new cars and vans
UPEI Position Paper on RED II Delegated Acts
UPEI Position: Amendments to AFIR Revision
UPEI Position: Energy Taxation Directive
UPEI Position: Key considerations on the FuelEU Maritime proposal
UPEI Position: Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive
UPEI Position: Proposal for a Regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
UPEI Position: Amendment of the Regulation setting CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
UPEI Position: Revision of the EU Emission Trading System
UPEI Position: Amendments to the Renewable Energy Directive
UPEI Position: On ECJ decisions concerning fuel cards in road transport business
UPEI Position: Solving the fuels policy conundrum
UPEI Position: Revision of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
UPEI Position: Revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive
UPEI Position: Review of the Energy Taxation Directive
UPEI Position: Directive on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
UPEI Position: Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System and the EU Effort Sharing Regulation
UPEI Position: Revision of the CO2 standards for light-duty vehicles
UPEI Position: Renewable Energy Directive (RED) review
UPEI Position Paper: Avoiding regulatory inconsistencies in future policy frameworks